The Florida Senate on Wednesday unveiled a sweeping proposal, backed by Senate President Ben Albritton, aimed at increasing opportunities for children with autism and their families.
The bill (SB 112) filed by Sen. Gayle Harrell, expands a health care grant program established by the Legislature last year to include free screening, referrals, and related services for autism. It also creates two education-related grant programs: one for specialized summer programs for children with autism and the other to support charter schools exclusively serving them.
The bill contains no appropriation, which means the necessary funding will be subject to negotiation as part of next fiscal year’s General Appropriations Act. As of this publication, there was no House companion.
“We have heard a lot of discussion and theories about the root causes of autism. I don’t have those answers, but I do know more and more families across our state are dealing with challenges and can use our support,” Albritton, a Republican from Wauchula, said in a prepared statement.
“This bill offers new support from all angles, coordinating research and training, expanding early detection, and increasing education opportunities and other treatment services that help families facing a diagnosis of autism. As always, parents are in control and equipped to make the best decisions to help children reach their full potential.”
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), defines autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as a condition characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and interaction and repetitive behaviors. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of 2020 one in 36 children aged 8 were estimated to have autism.
A Senate summary of the legislation notes that the bill expands the Dr. and Mrs. Alfonse and Kathleen Cinotti Health Care Screening and Services Grant Program, established by the Legislature last year through the Live Healthy Act, a priority of then-Senate President Kathleen Passidomo.
The health care screening grant program is named after Passidomo’s parents. Housed in the Department of Health (DOH) the program funnels grants to nonprofits that provide no-cost health screenings, referrals, and potentially treatment for a number of diseases but also provides dental, scoliosis, and vision screenings. The bill would add autism to the list of screenings the grants could be used for.
Additionally, the new legislation directs the DOH to request federal approval under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to allow Florida families the choice of receiving early intervention therapies and services in the Early Steps program until the child turns four.
Florida’s Early Steps program provides early intervention services to eligible infants and toddlers. Currently, children age out of the program when they turn three.
The bill designates the University of Florida Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment as a statewide hub for autism research, services, and best practices. The UF center will administer money for summer educational programs for children with autism that provide behavioral and social skill development; speech, occupational, or behavioral therapies; and family support and training workshops.
The center also will be in charge of a grant program to establish charter schools for children with autism. Grants will be prioritized for schools serving rural and underserved areas, those with demonstrable success in establishing and operating a charter school exclusively for students with autism and related disorders, and programs that use existing facilities.
“We know early detection and intervention services promote positive outcomes for infants, toddlers, and children with a disability or developmental delay. Under this legislation, parents will have the opportunity to continue critical early intervention services provided through the Early Steps Program until their child turns four and begins receiving services provided through the school district,” said Harrell.
“Continuing to develop reading, language, and math skills will help children prepare for school and make the transition easier. Additionally, by developing summer programs designed specifically for children with autism, we can help parents find summer camps and other activities that can accommodate the specific needs of a child with autism, ensuring year-round continuity of care.”
–Christine Sexton, Florida Phoenix
Endless dark money says
If you think the rcons care about kids or anyone else other than billionaires, you’re sadly mistaken. Remember when the orange stain made fun of a disabled reporter. The downfall of usa was swift now its the united corporations of merikkka.
YankeeExPat says
You see, this a good thing for Florida’s citizens in need of protection . It’s not some vindictive bullshit that our Gov. ” The Pensacola Penguin ” wastes time and resources chasing fake enemies of the state. IE Drag Queens’ and Librarians
Our leaders to include the The President, The Governor , Senators and the Congress need to be reminded that they work for us,
not the other way around.
Carol says
That’s all great! But how about realizing that those children grow up and there are zero services for adults on the spectrum in this community!!!! My child had all the services while he was growing up here. He had an IEP and had some accommodations in school. We as parents paid for him to have 2 years of Sensory Integration Therapy in Lake Mary (driving to and from there twice a week because there were no services available at that time in Flagler and surrounding counties). He graduated from FPC with a standard diploma and got his Associates Degree from DSC in 2021. He has been with Vocational Rehab since 2016 and they have been unable to place him in any jobs…nobody will hire him. Why? Well, he is 6’5” and 280 lbs. He moves a bit awkwardly and does have some auditory sensitivity, but he’s the nicest, sweetest, smartest guy I know…a gentle giant. He is now involved with the Adult Independent Living Skills program with Vincent’s Clubhouse and he really enjoys it! He is accepted for who he is and he is learning so much! And this is the first time in his life where he is finally accepting being around other people with disabilities, so he is truly growing into a greater person. But we are paying out of pocket for this service. Just wanted you all to know that these kids grow up and have nothing to help them except their parents.
Nancy N says
Why do I suspect that this step one of ending the FES-UA homeschooling option so they can force all those kids into a classroom where they can be force fed Christian nationalist R propaganda?