A thief smashed the glass door at Andrey’s Auto Repair in Bunnell early Sunday morning, stole five to seven pairs of keys and drove off in one of the used cars on the lot, leaving behind a few drops of blood, apparently after he cut himself smashing through the door.
Business owners Roman Strazhko reported the burglary the the Bunnell Police Department, which is investigating the case with assistance from the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. Strazhko himself made surveillance video available as he was frustrated that the police department was not moving swiftly on the case. Local police agencies themselves normally disseminate what video footage and still photographs of suspects are available through bulletins.
The suspect is clearly visible in footage from inside the business, as the suspect goes about looking for keys and other items. He eventually got away with $200 in cash and a green 2001 Mitsubishi Galant ES that had been on sale for $3,200. (The VIN number is 4A3AA46G21E173453.)
The burglary took place at 3:07 a.m. The thief came prepared. He smashed the front door’s glass pane with a hammer and walked in. For a moment he looks straight at the surveillance camera but seems not to notice it. He’s white, average height, out of shape, wears a light-colored cap, has a short beard, wears white shorts and a light-colored t-shirt with some sort of large logo on the front. He’s wearing dark and white sneakers.
The outside surveillance cameras catch him next.
He appears at 3:11 a.m. getting into one of the cars on the lot. He seems not to have liked it. Less than a minute later, he gets out the car and without hurry, walks to the Mitsubishi he eventually steals. He appears unable to get in. He runs across the lot back to the business where, as the inside camera showed some two minutes and 20 seconds after he’d walked out of the smashed door, he reappears inside the store, goes directly for the panel of car keys on the wall, takes one, then two more, then walks back out.
Outside cameras show him in the lot again, slithering between cars, crouching and making his way back to the Mitsubishi. As a car drives south, he crouches behind the car, then walks several steps down the lot again and crouches there again as a car drives north. He gets into the first car he’d tried. Yet another car drives north. Once it passes, he gets out, goes back to the Mitsubishi, starts it and drives off, heading north and paying no heed to the divider as he drives over it.
If anyone has information about this case, contact Bunnell Police Officer Shane Tully at 386/437-7508. Information may remain confidential.
Surveillance Video: Inside the Store:
Surveillance Video: Outside Cameras:
David S says
This business was smart to install cameras this scumbag does nothing to hide his face and I hope that he is found . FCSO you have a lot of evidence on this one !!!!!!
ohrin says
jim says
He did not have to worry about the BPD, they probably had a dog spread eagle checking to see if he had his dog license! Its a shame the owner had to find the breakin, but then again its no surprise. Barney Fife could do a better job and he only one bullet !!!!!!
Sherlock Homie says
Is it just me or did this idiot signal someone outside with a flashlight twice then puts it in his pocket ? I suspect there is another person involved.
Tony says
If the Citgo store had been open across the street this might not have taken place, because the Bunnell boys would have been dining on a chicken dinner!!!
blondee says
Offer up a reward, his own peeps will probably turn him in!
mel guillory says
The store owner should have had all the vehicle keys in a hidden lock box and had a secure perimeter to prevent all vehicles from being towed or drove off. At that time of the night, the bunnel boys are knee deep in
a dozen glazed and watching midget porn
brand says
In the video, near the end there was someone riding a bicycle across the street, when the Mitsubishi was pulling out,