Last month Trey Corbett emerged the Republican winner in a four-way race for Flagler County Supervisor of Elections, beating Pam Richardson by 80 votes, out of 9,284 votes cast. He is facing incumbent Kimberle Weeks in the Nov. 6 election.
Several issues emerged regarding Corbett’s campaign during the primary and after the election. With one exception, none of the issues, in and of themselves, amount to more than minor errors or misjudgments first-time candidates for office commit from time to time.
Taken together, the issues point to a pattern of rule-breaking or poor judgment that stand out more because of the office Corbett is seeking: they are the sort of issues and errors he would be responsible for monitoring and controlling as supervisor of elections—and the sort of issues a candidate for the office would presumably have known to avoid by understanding the basics of the office he was seeking.
Between Homes
The most serious issue was conveyed to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for review: the matter of Corbett’s primary address, and the address that he cites on his voter registration—which he changed only on Monday, although he moved out of his previous address at least 15 months ago, when his divorce was finalized. He has voted four times since at his old precinct—Precinct 21, at Belle Terre Elementary—even though, since his divorce, he says he’s been renting apartments in Precinct 27 (the Palm Coast Community Center). The address he wrote on his registration card on Monday is for an apartment at European Village.
Corbett also advertised his campaign improperly when he neglected to include the word “for” (as in, “candidate for supervisor of elections,” as opposed to placing his name above the office title.) Several candidates commit the mistake. Corbett was fined $100.
But Corbett paid it out of his campaign fund—another violation, which he had to correct.
Shortly after the primary, County Commissioner Nate McLaughlin, who is serving on the canvassing board, relayed a report he’d heard about Corbett to Weeks, who was also on the canvassing board through the primary. (She won’t be on the board for the general election, since she is involved in the race against Corbett.) “I had a couple of reports come to me,” McLaughlin said of the matter, which involved Corbett, during early voting at the library location, offering to wash voters’ cars.
A Report to the Canvassing Board
McLaughlin said he was merely conveying the issue to the supervisor out of responsibility as a canvassing board member—not as a witness or as a judge of what he’d heard. He cited three names he’d heard the reports from: Herb Whitaker, a candidate for county commission, Charlie Ericksen, a candidate who has since won a seat to the county commission, and John Pollinger, a candidate who lost a bid for sheriff. All three candidates were often at the library location with Corbett. All three, like Corbett, are Republicans, removing the matter of partisanship (Weeks is a Democrat). All three were contacted regarding the matter. Pollinger said he was no longer involved in political issues and would not discuss it. Whitacker at first had trouble e remembering what the issue was, but then remembered hearing about the issue, not witnessing it.
Ericksen said he saw and heard Corbett make joking offers to potential voters a few times. “I saw him joking with people,” Ericksen said. “He offered to wash a woman’s car, but I was standing next to him, he made the comment in jest, nothing more than that. We were standing up at the library.” Ericksen added: “He would normally say, ‘Are you here to vote?,’ etc. If he didn’t get a response or something he’d say jokingly, ‘Can I wash your car?’ I didn’t hear him say that on a regular basis, either, it was one or two times maybe. In most cases the person just smiled and laughed. I never saw anybody visibly offended by him.”
Corbett has an effusive personality, and the 10-day early voting period was tedious, especially for candidates, who endured heat, boredom, and a dearth of voters that made humor and the occasional obnoxious act part of the routine, some candidates acknowledged.
Corbett himself would not address the matter in an interview. “That’s nonsense and it sounds kind of ridiculous,” he said this week.
Weeks said she’d relayed the matter to the state Division of Elections, as she did the matter of Corbett’s residency, after herself pulling Corbett’s divorce file to, she said, verify what she had been told before conveying the matter to the state.
Kimberle Weeks’s Dog in the Fight
It’s no secret that Weeks is an assiduous and able digger into public records, and a combatant on her behalf in her own right: the main criticism leveled at her over the past four years, by county commissioners, by candidates for the office or by way of press reports, has been over her public demeanor with the county commission. Particularly in 2010 and early 2011, her demeanor was abrasive and confrontational. Commissioners questioned her about budget items, bonuses paid, and supplemental budget requests, provoking at times heated exchanges between the supervisor and the commission, and flurries of emails between her office and the county administration’s rich in claims and counterclaims. For a June 2010 workshop, she prepared a one-and-a-half-inch-thick briefing book, double-sided, with a CD of all the documents, a huge portion of the emails, that amounted to an encyclopedic counterattack designed to defend her budget, her interpretation of law, and some singled-out criticism of county officials, including a special chapter devoted to County Attorney Al Hadeed, a recurring Weeks bête noire.
But there have been no notable complaints about the actual running of the office in its most essential regard: elections were run efficiently, and the state rated the office among the best performing. Even issues with the commission have dissipated in the past year.
And Weeks maintains a loyal corps of supporters, among them Joan Affatato—an occasional presence at county commission meetings—who do the heavy lifting of her campaign by filing elections complaints against her opponents (Corbett included) and rummaging through their records. FlaglerLive conducted its own independent investigation of the matter, but received a number of anonymous emails on the issue as well.
When reached by phone on Wednesday to talk about the various issues, Corbett was immediately defensive. He had not yet heard a reporter’s specific questions about the matters—he’d merely been asked where he’d lived after his divorce in 2011—before he said: “I’ve done nothing wrong here. Everything is a matter of public record, and I have also sought and been speaking with an attorney.” He spoke to an attorney, he said, “to make sure there’s no wrongdoing. There’s been no allegations made. What’s going on is baseless. It’s an election year, and these are tactics to discredit me.”
But beyond the politics, the matter of his primary residence, and what he’s reported on his financial disclosure form, contradict the court’s orders in his divorce, as does a finding by a state division of elections lawyer concerning Corbett’s residency status.
Corbett’s Primary Residence
Florida law explicitly requires a voter to notify the supervisor of elections when he or she changes address “as soon as practical.” It just as explicitly lays out where a voter may and may not vote: “A person is not permitted to vote in any election precinct or district other than the one in which the person has his or her legal residence and in which the person is registered.”
Corbett explained: “The way that the statute reads is, when you’re asked where you live, they’re asking you where it is that you’re going to make your permanent residency. I haven’t decided that. It’s going to be in Flagler County, and I do live and work in Flagler County.”
The law also provides for voters who are temporarily residing outside the county, but don’t have a permanent residence in the county. But those voters must be registered in the precinct in which the supervisor’s office is located. Corbett wasn’t. Nor, however, had he left the county. But he had moved.
The Court File
Corbett and his ex-wife divorced in 2011. The order was finalized on June 8 that year, before Circuit Judge Dennis Craig. It left no doubt about whose house it was: “Wife is awarded sole and exclusive ownership, use and possession of the Palm Coast home,” the order stated, referring to the couple’s home at 71 Lynbrook Drive. The couple bought the house in 2007 for $323,750. “Within thirty (30) days of this judgment, Husband shall quit claim any and all of his interest in the Palm Coast home to wife.”
The settlement awarded Corbett a 2008 Toyota Avalon and about one-sixth that year’s tax refund from the IRS. The settlement awarded his wife a car, a motorcycle and a property in St. Augustine, and five-sixth of the IRS refund. The order also specified that there would be “no oral agreements” between Corbett and his ex-wide, “other than those expressly set forth herein.”
There is no mention of Corbett remaining in the house, nor a stated agreement to that effect. Rather, Corbett listed a $550-a-month rent payment he was making at the time for an apartment, which he said in the interview Wednesday was in the area of Palm Harbor Parkway.
In his financial disclosure form filed as a candidate this year, which accounts for the candidate’s financial condition as of Dec. 31, 2011, he listed the $320,000 owed for the mortgage on the Lynbrook home, and listed that home as an asset of his own.
Corbett said all his statements and papers were in order. “I am on the deed, I am on the mortgage, and I am on the note,” he said of the Lynbrook home. “I have keys to the house, I have a garage door opener to the house, my mother lives in the house, I have clothes in the house, I’m at that house regularly. It’s a dual residence. Listen, it’s a dual residence, I get along famously with my ex-wife. We had issues, obviously, and we are no longer married.” He said the mortgage company would not allow him to come off the mortgage because it’s upside down—that is, as with many homes bought during Florida’s housing bubble (and the Corbetts bought theirs at the height of the bubble), more is owed on the house than it’s worth.
“He Does Not Live There”
But Corbett does not live at the address, according to Gary Holland, assistant general counsel for the Florida Department of State, which oversees election rules in Florida.
Holland investigated the matter at Weeks’s request. “I spoke to his ex-wife who resides in the former marital home,” Holland wrote Weeks on Aug. 28, referring to Corbett, “and she confirmed that he does not live there, but he receives mail there and comes by to pick it up. His mother still lives in the home. The ex-wife does not know his exact address, but he lives in or near a complex called European Village.”
Weeks had asked Holland whether she should verify Corbett’s address. “Since he is a candidate, and running for the same office that I am running for,” Weeks wrote, “I want to be sure that it is clear that I am simply trying to do my job, and not allowing illegal voting to take place by allowing him to vote in a precinct in which is does not live, if in fact he does not live at the address reflected on his voter registration application, nor am I taking action against him because we are running for the same office.”
Holland’s advice: “Because you are within 90 days of a federal election, you may not send any address confirmation notices; however, any voter or poll watcher could challenge his right to vote in the precinct at any time within 30 days before Election Day. He then can vote a provisional ballot and will have until 5pm on second day after the election to provide evidence to support his eligibility to vote. In any event, you should ensure the matter is cleared up after the election.”
Corbett has made battling illegal voting part of his platform, as has every candidate for that office.
Asked why he had finally changed his registration address on Monday, Corbett said: “I changed the address because I talked to the state and asked them, you know, what—I spoke to an attorney at the state, and he advised me, you know, I explained the situation to him, he said that’s fine, go ahead and file a change of address so that you opponent doesn’t have any ammunition to fire at you. He said as far as it looks to us, there’s nothing wrong here, and of course I’ve spoken to an attorney and the attorney said I have nothing to worry about.”
Holland, referring to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, also said he was “in the process of referring the complaint to FDLE for investigation.”
A Few Relevant Laws:
101.045 Electors must be registered in precinct; provisions for change of residence or name.—
(1) A person is not permitted to vote in any election precinct or district other than the one in which the person has his or her legal residence and in which the person is registered. However, a person temporarily residing outside the county shall be registered in the precinct in which the main office of the supervisor, as designated by the supervisor, is located when the person has no permanent address in the county and it is the person’s intention to remain a resident of Florida and of the county in which he or she is registered to vote. Such persons who are registered in the precinct in which the main office of the supervisor, as designated by the supervisor, is located and who are residing outside the county with no permanent address in the county shall not be registered electors of a municipality and therefore shall not be permitted to vote in any municipal election.
VoterUnder penalties for false swearing, I, (Name of voter) , swear (or affirm) that the former address of my legal residence was (Address of legal residence) in the municipality of , in County, Florida, and I was registered to vote in the precinct of County, Florida; that I have not voted in the precinct of my former registration in this election; that I now reside at (Address of legal residence) in the Municipality of , in County, Florida, and am therefore eligible to vote in the precinct of County, Florida; and I further swear (or affirm) that I am otherwise legally registered and entitled to vote.
(Signature of voter whose address of legal residence has changed)
VoterUnder penalties for false swearing, I, (New name of voter) , swear (or affirm) that my name has been changed because of marriage or other legal process. My former name and address of legal residence appear on the registration records of precinct as follows:
Florida, Zip
My present name and address of legal residence are as follows:
Florida, Zip
and I further swear (or affirm) that I am otherwise legally registered and entitled to vote.
(Signature of voter whose name has changed)
Frank Corsillo says
I think you should really know the election rules if you expect to get elected to Supervisor of Elections!
Anonymous says
Spot on Frank! What’s with all the BLING on this guy. Major turn off. Guess it’s all part of the branding he boasts of.
Geezer says
He doesn’t seem all that “blingy” to me (in the picture above).
Is it his bracelet that you see as excessive?
I think that his sport jacket makes everything look bad–it’s a seersucker, and it’s ugly.
One too many lapel pins too.
I know bling….. That there is not expensive jewelry or clothes. No honkers.
I award Mr. Corbett a “D” for his attire in the picture above.
But compared to Jon Netts and his customary polo shirts with collar buttons open – Trey is doing well.
Reporting from Palm Coast: Geezer “Blackwell”
Palm Coast Resident says
Mr. Corbett probably thinks he’s a “know it all”, but can’t even get registered in the right precinct. And then to use election funds to pay his fines. One mistake after another.
Maybe the primary results should be overturned. Were the same mistakes made by the other candidates?
If not, let the next highest vote getter, run in the primary!
The word is out on Mr. Corbett. It may be too much for him to overcome at the primary!
Will says
I might have to support Weeks, the incumbent, in spite of misgivings… Corbett isn’t ready for prime time.
Anita says
“But there have been no notable complaints about the actual running of the office in its most essential regard: elections were run efficiently, and the state rated the office among the best performing. Even issues with the commission have dissipated in the past year.”
Gee, must be real tough to have to support someone who does her job so competently, she receives recognition from the state and who has earned a measure of respect, if not love, from the commission..
Flagler Citizen says
I’m sorry….we’re complaining over some minor issues. Sounds like Mrs. Weeks is looking to make herself out to be the better candidate based on some minor infractions. That $100,000 a year salary sure is hard to lose. Did anyone else see the results from the last election? Out of 67,606 registered voters in Flagler County only 16,949 showed up to the polls. That’s pretty pathetic! Some Supervisor of Elections we have!!!! Lets vote for her again and waste more taxpayer money for her AWESOME salary.
Ray Thorne says
That’s more than what showed up to vote 4 years ago.
ProudToVote says
I don’t see these infractions as minor and sadly Trey Corbett’s judgment and ethical standards are now in question. If he had done nothing wrong why did he change his voter registration? You mean it took someone exposing him in order for him to decide his permanent residence? I am astounded this candidate says he has dual residence even though his ex-wife has confirmed he does not live in her home. If elected, would Trey lie to us voters?
Fisherman says
Trust me, Trey knows the rules. The man was going through a time in his life where he did not have a permanant residence and his old home was the closest thing he had to it. Now that he does he has filed as so, end of story. This is a perfect example of a political candidate trying to turn the smallest issue into a negative light on their opponent.
What-a-Joke says
The point is his ex-wife confirmed with the General Council from the Division of Elections that Trey Corbett does NOT live at the address he had on the voting record. Trey got caught and then changed his address. Conveniently, he made up his mind where he lived when he was called out on it. Why not just own up Trey?
PJ says
AND, this is what we have to choose from…………………….
BIKER says
So, a person is running to be supervisor of elections that doesnt understand election laws? Doesnt that sound a little ridiculous? What a crazy county this is. Lol Isnt Mr Corbett one of the candidates that is supported be the RRR? No word from that organization huh? :)
concerned voter says
wow…really? wasnt sure who I was going to vote for but I know for sure now….and to “Fisherman” and “Flagler Citizen”..So you say Mr. Corbett “knows” the rules…then he also knows that knowingly and willingly falsifying documents, voting in the wrong precinct, registering in the wrong precinct, offering to wash cars are all either first degree misdemeanors and or third degree felonies. Doesnt sound minor to me?? Vote buying is no joking matter and running for an elected position is not either, especially paid by taxpayer dollars. Nothing wrong with having a sense of humor but there is a time and place and the polls are no place to be joking, especially about bribes and vote buying, Mr. Corbett calls it “nonsense and kind of ridiculous”…lets see what the States Attorneys Office and FDLE calls it…bet they dont say its nonsense or kind of ridiculous. I can see one or two errors by a new candidate but Mr. Corbett has a laundry list…speaks of his character. The registration form ask for a current residence regardless of how long or the intent. You fill out the form based on your current address and if your current residence changes you change it again. I personally know for a fact Mr. Corbett was living at European Village even prior (court records per personal injury case related to Mr. Corbett) to his divorce and now at a location near European Village. Both of which are not in the precinct he claimed. Court documents prove this. People don’t believe me check them out yourself, not just one or two people checking public records. Mr. Corbett has wronged multiple people. And on his Form 6 he claimed an asset the court ordered to his exwife regardless of mortgage and value…Lets ask the judge if his name should still be on there…it was court ordered w/in 30 days. Several months later Mr. Corbett still claimed it as an asset…Sounds like the lady (Weeks) Mr. Corbett is running against doesnt have to run a smear campaign because he is doing it to himself…lol ..Cant stand politics and its because of the Mr. Corbetts of the world I cant stand politics! Its not Weeks who is desperate for the money the office pays, sounds like its Mr. Corbett who is desperate for the money! Cant wait for this election to be over with!
Lonewolf says
Corbett obviously doesn’t understand the job he is running for. And hopefully, the ridiculous ID laws will be declared unconstitutional and the GOP will have to find another way to disenfranchise Democrat voters.
nArin says
This was quite a bit of wasted space about a complete NON ISSUE……a person does go through some difficult times during a divorce……looks like like it was an amicle split with good relations all around…….the man is still deciding where to set up his permanant residence…..he will be living in Palm Coast by what the article said……Yea….big issue…….? Bling ? a watch and a braclet ?…..a beligerent public office holder ( from all accounts ) making these silly accuasations……..C’mon man………
The Honest One Says says
So, just because he goes through a divorce excuses Corbett of his ineptness. He is still deciding where to set up his permanent residence? That is where Weeks is on the ball. You vote in the election district you live in. Stop being like Corbett and trying to change the laws to suit yourself.
Magnolia says
Weeks on the ball? You must be kidding….OUR Kimberly Weeks? The woman who plays roulette by changing the polling places in each election?
Tired says
I don’t know either candidate personally. Has anyone else ever gone through a divorce? It can be debilitating, starting over isn’t easy. I don’t have a problem with cutting the guy some slack at a rough time in his life. What I find more alarming is the political slime that has emerged in Flagler County. Has any race been clean of it this election? I don’t think so, it’s more about digging up dirt than actual politics. That’s to bad.
Jeannie says
He has been divorced over a year, how many years should we give him to know the rules of office he himself decided to run for? Of all people he should know to comply with the rules if this is the job he wants to do. No excuses.
Anon says
No big deal.
Just let me bend the rules because I have personal issues.
I’ll abide by them when I get the chance.
In the mean time elect me to the very office whose rules I will swear to uphold.
Let me guess the people who feel it is no big deal are people who will vote for this slickster.
Pardon my oversight. It is not rules. It is the law that he is trying to overlook.
Yeah just a small issue. The law.
BW says
These are minor issues and show 2 things to me.
1. Our SOE is definitely very concerned about her future and is really stretching it to try and discredit her opponent. She’s trying to divert attention from the issues which she can not speak to (voter turnout, budgets, the lack of service in that office, etc.). There’s no “violation”. Just silliness.
2. This is “news”? This is “I have nothing else to write about so let me make a mountain out of a mole hill” stuff.
This just further shows that Ms. Weeks needs to go. We are spending our tax dollars more and more and getting less and less from that office. Remember her binder meeting with the Council? Remember her bashing of Peterson? She doesn’t care about voting. She cares about her and her strange obsession with “revenge” against what no one knows. But I guess we can better understand why she was locked out of the building when laid off from the Clerk of Court’s office 4 years ago.
Those that know the background of Mr. Corbett’s divorce know how admirable and upstanding of a person he is. Goes to show how well he can face difference with others and make lemonade out of lemons. Unlike our current SOE who will look at the lemons, tell you every reason why lemonade can’t be
made, and throw out the lemons.
Ira Bowman says
I think i will have to stay with Weeks if this is what we have running as SOE weeks is not the best but at least she understands the LAW. corbett is just seeking the salry… and does not care about the office he is seeking. Come on people look at the rest of the goverment in this county. We Dont Need More Of People Seeking Office Just For A Pay Check…..
Apolitical says
I am completely apolitical. Obviously, I do have opinions on the larger issues of the 21st Century, but I keep those to myself because I don’t have the stomach for political discourse and debate. Rules, regulations, finer points and minutiae which might be necessary for fair elections are way beyond my understanding, so I am not qualified to comment on those. I do, however, want to say something about Trey Corbett, and, rest assured, my comments are not politically motivated. I have been acquainted with him for several years, not as a social friend – I just don’t have the time or the inclination to socialize – but sort of in a business capacity. Trey is a thorough gentleman in every sense of the word! He is caring, supportive, giving and selfless. He is very charitable – oh I said that already, didn’t I. I have seen him turn the other cheek, when lesser men such as I would have reacted with anger. Over the years, I have seen Trey interact with scores of people, and everyone I know, from both sides of the political spectrum, like and respect him. I know several people who have conducted business with Trey over the years and I have heard nothing but good things about his fairness and honesty, but also his effectiveness, competency, efficiency and expertise. Perhaps his act of caring and kindness that impresses me the most is this: I spend the majority of my time providing acute care for my aged and infirm mother who has Alzheimer’s. I love her dearly but, as people in my situation know, quite often I am ready to walk up the walls. On one such occasion, my doorbell rang and I was pleasantly surprised to see Trey. He was not campaigning. He knew about my situation so he looked up my address and decided to visit, cheer up my mother, pray for her and give me a pep talk. My mother, who is obviously not in the best of health and spirits these days, perked up when cheerfully greeted by Trey, and declared him a fine gentleman! And my mother’s instincts are right, Trey is a great person. As I said before, I don’t have much interest in or knowledge of elections and rules governing them, as necessary as they are, but because this article and associated comments are about someone I am acquainted with, I thought it important to say something about Trey, the person.
Palm Coast Resident says
Mr. Corbett has already demonstrated that he doesn’t know where he’s at or where he’s going, according to his voter registration. So why should we vote for him. He needs to get his act together.
ProudToVote says
Being Mr Niceguy does not qualify Trey Corbett to be Supervisor of Elections. Maybe he should apply to get a position with the Red Cross. It is evident he doesn’t know the basic election law, and is not qualified to be elected as Supervisor of Elections.
Mr Corbett is lucky those that don’t have the same opinion as Apolitical keep their comments to themselves.
How could Trey say he has dual residence when his wife confirmed with the General Council of the state he doesn’t live in her home? Is he lying, or is his ex-wife?
The personal injury case Trey Corbett filed with the Flagler County Clerk of Court after his motorcycle accident in 2010 confirms Trey wasn’t living at the Lynbrook address in 2010 when he filed this lawsuit. Learning of Trey Corbett’s financial issues, I now have to ask if the Personal Injury lawsuit is Trey’s get out of debt free card, and running for Supervisor of Elections his back up plan?
Reality Check says
I have an issue with all these positions being election positions, why would you put someone in a position they seemingly know nothing about! Another example is the Sherriff, how could someone with no experience hold the top law enforcement position? They all want these positions for nothing more than the outrageous pay that goes along with them, just like our school board members at $33 K a year for a part time position. Government is so out of hand with its spending, they really need to dust off the Constitution and read the part about the people and not government holding all the power, 1776 was long ago but we are becoming the British Dictators all over again.
Vote for Anybody but Weeks. says
You have to be a complete fool not to see this politically motivated on behalf of Weeks. The only thing Mr. Corbett is guilty of is going thru a hard time in his life. Mrs. Weeks has no room to talk she has had her own share of family problems. Just check the FCSO inmate search and type in her last name. She has a campaign staff (mostly family) that has one mission. To dig thru public records and and smear her opposition. Does Flagler really want that kind of person in the supervisor’s office? She pretty much lied about her expierence 4 years ago. “I have served in many different capacities in the supervisor’s office” She was truly only a volunteer poll worker for 2 seperate elections.. That is right 2 elections only. the former long time serving Superviosr (Peggy Rae Border) did NOT in endorse her for that office during the elections 4 years ago. Peggy Rae Border supported another candidate instead. Why do you think that is so? It’s rare for a endorsment to come out of a supervisor’s race. Weeks is pretty much a trouble maker with political backers that have deep pockets.
Reality Check says
The backwards mentality of Flager County, the good old boys still rule the roost, just look at the names of the family members that work for the county. You are correct why would she want to give up her 100K a year job? this backwards state of Florida is a joke, you can be elected to do a job you know nothing about and earn six figures, go figure.
patty says
Methinks all this nit picking is politically motivated. Talking about Corbett’s bling where all I can see is a bracelet and a watch. No gold chains dangling from his neck nor diamond rings on his fingers. C’mon folks, stop being so petty and dont judge the man by his clothes or the pins on his lapels.
As for multiple addresses, if one had to vacate the marital home, it would be quite plausible to move into a variety of places on a temporary basis until one was comfortable enough to settle in, and in the mean time use the marital home as ones permanent home to ensure that bank documents and other important mail etc. are directed to to that permanent address. Say he had moved into a hotel, he would hardly have given that as his permanent address.
And if anyone in this town thinks that his offer to wash voters’ cars (if indeed he did say that to someone) was not a joke but a serious bribe, then I think that person has a serious lack of humor problem.
Magnolia says
I am wondering about the legality of Ms. Weeks digging through records of her opponents and then turning this information over to Ms. Affatato, her friend and supporter. That act may violate her oath of office.
Seems likely a line may have been crossed here, especially in an election year? Is Ms. Affatato a paid employee of Ms. Weeks or just a personal friend and admirer?
If I were Mr. Corbett, I would check with an attorney re my rights in this matter. Me thinks he might have grounds to take this one to court or to state ethics.
Dorothea says
What personal records did Ms. Weeks pull? Nothing in this article suggests that anything but public records were used by anyone.
Vote for Anybody but Weeks. says
Hey Proud to vote….
Mrs. Weeks is already using her position as a get out of debt plan. She was FIRED from the clerks office, and was pretty much unemployed at the time of the election 4 years ago. I can pretty much bet she has never made even half of the yearly salary she makes now as supervisor.
Her Campaign was backed in part by Syd Crosby and others who oppose the current clerk out of political jealousy..
Do you really think she paid for all those big yellow signs along the road? Not a chance.
-Anybody But Weeks..
Talk to any county official and they’ll be more then happy to discuss our supervisors faults and deficiencies. The negative comments in regards to Trey Corbett are completely asinine. I sure hope the intelligent registered voters of this county come out and give him their vote.
concerned voter says
At Biloxi and the rest of the few friends of Ralph Lester Corbett III. The law is the law. And when it is broken by someone who is running for office it speaks of their character. How are the people of Flagler County going to trust someone who has violated and broken several laws regardless of who the candidate is or what office they are running for in Flagler County. These are public records that have been exposed by the people of Flagler County and an article written by the Editor of Flagler Live, not Ms. Weeks. Ralph did this to himself and only has himself to blame. If he did nothing wrong why did he change his address? Why didnt he address the vote buying allegations? A witness in the article admits Corbett did it, although he says he was joking. Again, voting is no joking matter and there is a time and place to have a sense of humor. The people of Flagler County should know the truth about all the candidates running for all the offices so they can make an informed decision. If you guys were true to the person for their ability and character versus just because you like to party with them, then maybe the voters of Flagler County will vote for the right person for all offices. Learn the laws. Learn the statutes. Those who think this is a minor issue and “laughing” matter should see the information about the commissioner/candidate who was just arrested in Okaloosa County for political violations, four counts of official misconduct and four counts of perjury. Still think Ralphs violations are just minor issues? Know your candidate regardless of office and again make an informed decision.
wondering about facts says
In his own words, “Trey Corbett is also “absolutely at a point where I’ll be filing.” He’ll do so after the September primary for the Palm Coast mayor’s race. Corbett, 44, is the vice president of America’s Choice Title Company in Palm Coast. “It’s time now to do more than simply wave signs and stand on the corner and smile,” he said. He’s been involved in several campaigns, always voted, he’s putting in his time as a poll worker. He terms himself a moderate conservative and would run as a Republican. Weeks’s performance, particularly her inability to preserve the respect of the government agencies she’s been working with, is part of the reason Corbett is running, he said.
With that said, how can we vote for a man that doesn’t know the state statute and laws pertaining to the election when he so clearly has pointed out that Mrs. Weeks should be held accountable for the office she holds? I don’t know much, but I know he is a walking/talkingcontradiction!