Watch out, Flagler Beach All Stars: You have competition in Bunnell.
Flagler Beach’s All Stars are a group of volunteers who include city commissioners, mayors and judges past and present, and who periodically and for years have conducted rather serious beach clean-ups.
Now it appears Bunnell has its All-Stars, too: Tiyona and Tyona Ash are 21-year-old twins, born and raised in Bunnell, graduates of Flagler Palm Coast High School who studied at Daytona State College (business management for Tiyona, cosmetology for Tyona), and who now are into design and music performance. After driving by or walking by the trash day after day, they came up with the idea of a clean-up in Bunnell’s south side two months ago, partnering with the Flagler County Housing Authority, whose residences line several streets in that neighborhood. “We took a chance towards change in our community,” Ash said. “It’s about bringing our people together and making something happen.”
So they did. They designed colorful “Secure Our World” shirts for volunteers, provided all the supplies and water, and at 2 p.m., with more than a dozen volunteers, went to work. They conducted the first clean-up down Martin Luther King Avenue and on the grounds of the Authority, filling 20 to 25 bags. “That trash has been there for literally decades,” Tiyona Ash said. “When I say decades, I literally mean decades.”
The group doesn’t have an official name yet, although the two Ash sisters call their performing group Twinnem241. Tiyona Ash said “Secure Our World” could well be the initiative’s moniker, at least for now (since All Stars is taken).
The aim, Ash said, is to “give our children something to look up to, something positive, to know you can do whatever you put your mind to, and to make sure everything in your community is taken care of.” She speaks with the same enthusiasm and self-assurance she conveys in words: “Being positive, remaining positive, extending positivity throughout the world.” The volunteers today did not include commissioners or other bigwig officials, but Ash intends to spread the word and invite some out in future efforts.
Those are in the works. The group is meeting again next Wednesday, March 9, at the Flagler County Housing Authority (414 South Bacher Street in Bunnell), to plan for a March 11 clean-up of East Drain Street, around and within the grounds of the Carver Center. There will be army recruiters, financial literacy coaches, basketball coaches, and Twinnem 241 will be performing live, Ash said. The performance? “Our song, ‘Bring ’em Out.'” The 2 p.m. event will even have a theme name: “Being Human.”
“We have to take care of mother nature in order for her to take care of us,” Ash said.
Among the volunteers today were Tiyona and Tyona Ash, the Flagler County Housing Authority, Sophia Hubbert, Ny’Sha Hunter, Tamara Johnson, Sharai, Lil Daniel, Amanda Britton of Harris Grocery Store, and Rashonda Johnson.
What it looked like. (Tyona Ash)
Carol L Pagliuca says
That’s awesome!
Smh says
Maybe the city of bunnell should use the raised taxes to fix this city instead of wasting money to build a new city hall… clearly bunnell has a plethora of issues none of which seem to wanna be addressed by any ranking official
Tammy Kook says
Ladies you both are amazing!! Can anyone help? Could you let the Bunnell residents know when when and where?
Thank you for getting this started!!
Trailer Bob says
Yes, I would also be happy to help in the next project. I used to be the king of cleanups when I lived up north, calling our cleanups “Operation Clean Sweep”. I HATE garbage. I could also provide a 12ft dump trailer so you could load it up and then I would just dump it at the dump.
Please keep me informed…Trailer Bob.
And THANK YOU ALL for caring about your community.
Catherine P says
This is awesome! I hope the group takes off. Kudos to these young ladies for taking the initiative to make Bunnell better.
Merrill S Shapiro says
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
Toto says
So awesome you’ve taken the initiative to start such a wonderful community pride project! Bunnell has a great history attached to it but the neglect over the years is sad. Bless these two young ladies for caring! I’m hopeful Flagler Live will help promote the next clean up to get more volunteers involved. I’ll be there to help!
Mark says
I’ve always thought that Bunnell was a diamond in the rough, just needs some sprucing up especially on US 1. Flagler Live if possible can you keep us updated on their next day?
Donna Francis says
TWIN POWER! You young women are what’s right in this crazy world right now! Congratulations on taking that initiative. I hope to see many others join you and I hope you get lots of publicity and media exposure for your efforts!
S. ROSS says
Lil Daniel – My Loveable Grandson, glad he was a great help to his community. All it takes is some caring for our children. This is positive for our young children. Keep up the great work everyone. All it take is love, caring & being positive for our young ones. Thank you for letting him be in something positive, and it looks like he is enjoying himself. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK YOUNG MINDS INTO ACTION. Whoever started this you are amazing… 🥰
The Geode says
more than just talking, blaming or complaining. RESPECT!