Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran is urging local school officials to be “very surgical, not sweeping” when responding to coronavirus cases, which he acknowledged are likely to occur as classes resume this month.
But “likely” is no longer the operative word: Positive cases have been occurring, both to students and staff, in Flagler and across the state.
Flagler County schools reopened for faculty and other employees last week, and will open for students on Aug. 24. In all, 15 staff members have tested positive in the district since the week of March 22, but nine of those cases were confirmed in August, including six since the week of Aug. 9, according to the district’s spokesman. Three students reported positive test results to the district since July 20.
That’s not the total number of children who have had a positive test result, but the number of students who may have interacted with others in school-sponsored activities. Just between Aug. 4 and Aug. 17, the state Department of Health confirmed 19 positive cases involving children 17 and younger in Flagler County, out of 149 tested, a positivity rate of 12.9 percent. The state average os 13.7 percent.
A more precise accounting of covid-19 cases involving Flagler district faculty, staff or students remains elusive. There is no central database that outlines what school or department is affected by how many cases. The approach has been on a case-by-case basis, with information about the cases limited to those affected.
“The District is not creating and/or generating weekly reports related to Covid-19 cases,” Kristy Gavin, the school district’s attorney, said in an email. “The practice of the district to notify individuals in writing only began in late July (July 20). Prior to this date, any employees requiring notification of a positive case were handled verbally.”
The district is leaving it to principals and department heads to inform their own staffs or affected students of any case within their purview. The district is not posting case numbers within the district publicly. But it made available to FlaglerLive some of the letters that have been issued from individual principals or departments to school communities affected by an outbreak. (Bob Snyder, the Flagler Health Department chief, says he considers one case an outbreak.)
An Aug. 7 letter from Rymfire Elementary Principal LaShakia Moore informed her staff that a “Flagler County Schools staff member who was on our campus last week tested positive.” David Bossardet, the district’s risk manager, subsequently informed faculty and staff at Rymfire that “a Flagler County Schools staff member who attended training with you last week at Rymfire Elementary tested positive.” That letter was undated. Kenny Seybold, director of the district’s custodial services, issued a similar letter about a custodial staff member at Matanzas High School. The letter was undated.
David Freeman, director of plant services for the district, issued a letter about a staff member testing positive on Aug. 10. FlaglerLive learned today that a similar letter was issued by the principal at Old Kings Elementary to staff there, this week, and that a student in Flagler Palm Coast High School’s band camp had tested positive. Last month, a student in Matanzas’s football program tested positive.
The state Department of Education for its part is downplaying the effects of localized outbreaks, seeing them more as an expected occurrence than as a reason to close classrooms or schools.
“If you have a Covid-19 case or you have (Covid-19) symptoms, don’t panic,” Corcoran told school superintendents in a conference call last week. “Communicate with everybody and be open and transparent about it. We are going to have cases, and that’s OK.”
Corcoran asked superintendents to check in with with top officials in the state Department of Education before shutting down a classroom or school, and said symptomatic individuals should be sent home.
He also stressed that school officials should communicate with parents whenever a symptomatic individual attends school.
“Even though it is not required, we would suggest dismissing the class for that day. Clean it, hyper-clean it, and let the parents know you hyper-cleaned the class,” Corcoran, a lawyer with no public health background, added. “Unless your child has symptoms or you see symptoms, we are fine with your child coming back the very next day.”
The statement is at odds with public health and medical findings over the last few weeks that stress again and again that absence of symptoms is not equivalent to absence of covid: asymptomatic carriers represent a very large proportion of those affected, especially in younger, ostensibly healthier populations, with the potency of spread from an asymptomatic carrier age 10 or older similar to that of symptomatic carriers.
The Florida Association of School Superintendents on Aug. 7 sought guidance from Corcoran and state health officials about how to deal with infected students and employees, after Corcoran issued an emergency order mandating that schools reopen bricks-and-mortar classrooms five days a week this month.
Since 13 counties reopened schools last week, at least three school districts have confirmed that they have been forced to respond to positive cases or ask students to quarantine due to potential exposure to Covid-19.
In Martin County, 151 elementary and high-school students were sent home after they either tested positive for the virus or showed symptoms of COVID-19, district spokeswoman Jennifer DeShazo confirmed to The News Service of Florida on Monday.
Four students and one teacher in Bradford County tested positive for the virus and 78 students “have been asked to stay home out of precaution,” Assistant Superintendent David Harris said in an email to the News Service on Monday.
And in Seminole County, two fifth-grade teachers who were scheduled to start in-person instruction on Monday had to self-quarantine over the weekend, district spokesman Michael Lawrence said. One of the teachers tested positive for Covid-19 and the other came into contact with the educator who was infected with the virus, Lawrence said.
Corcoran said he would not recommend quarantining an entire classroom if a student tests positive for Covid-19. Instead, he said school officials should consider quarantining a portion of the class or students who came into contact with an infected student for 15 minutes or longer.
“I know it sounds complicated, but it is not,” he said. The goal, Corcoran said, is to “keep everyone safe” and to “keep everybody getting the best possible learning experience.”
Thursday’s call with the school officials came a week after the Florida Association of District School Superintendents told Corcoran that school officials need a statewide protocol that lays out what to do when people show symptoms or test positive for Covid-19, the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus.
“Clear and articulate processes for the role of the Department of Health as the lead in case investigation, contact tracing and quarantine direction, length and implementation are essential and must be consistent across all school districts,” Pinellas County Superintendent of Schools Michael Grego, who is the president of the association, wrote in an Aug. 7 letter to Corcoran.
The Florida Education Association and the union representing teachers in Orange County have filed lawsuits challenging Corcoran’s July 6 order. The unions allege that the mandate violates the state Constitution, which guarantees the right to “safe” and “secure” public schools.
While speaking to the superintendents last week, Corcoran called the lawsuit “frivolous.” He praised the superintendents for working to reopen schools and offer in-person instruction, emphasizing that local officials should not hesitate to seek the advice of state officials.
“I think we’re going to be an example to the rest of the nation how to do this effectively, how to address the needs of each child and really focusing on closing the achievement gap and having a great semester,” Corcoran said.
–FlaglerLive and the News Service of Florida
Jimbo99 says
“A more precise accounting of covid-19 cases involving Flagler district faculty, staff or students remains elusive. There is no central database that outlines what school or department is affected by how many cases.”
Every HR database has this, they do head counts at every business & government on the planet, they’ve been doing head counts since the dawn of time ? Drowning in a glass of water again ? This is a rather simple report. That it might take the afternoon to develop, taking their time to do. So they opened schools statewide/nationwide without simple reporting metrics in place.
Steve Ward says
Yuep One can only put their head in the sand for so long. Its exponential dimwit. A cluster in the making which represents the Fuster Cluck that is PC. Best hope these Students and Teachers/ Staff dont get real sick or worse die. OHHhh thats right everyone signs adisclaimer to protect yourself Coward. SSMMHH
John the Baptist says
Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran is a fool! And, Governor Ron DeSantis is a bigger fool and a coward! The one statement that Corcoran made “I think we’re going to be an example to the rest of the nation how to do this effectively, how to address the needs of each child and really focusing on closing the achievement gap and having a great semester,” shows great denial to the medical evidence showing that the State of Florida still remains a hot spot in the country for COVID. Political talk is full of bull…. Lying is just a way of life for Corcoran and DeSantis. They are forcing the teaching profession to essentially walk in the valley of death! I challenge the Education Commissioner to put your “big boy pants on” and spend a full week in a PUBLIC SCHOOL classroom with students….the whole 8 hours! I would offer the same challenge to our pitiful governor. I am a teacher, with a high health risk both in age and medical history. I need the job so I have no choice but to put my life on the line next week. Should I get the virus, I know that I will die and nobody other than close family members will care. The school board and school administrators could give a rat’s behind.
Cindy D says
What the heck?? I’m sorry, I cannot believe some of these comments from Corcoran!!! Not cool!
Mike Cocchiola says
Why do Republicans look as evil as the evil they preach. What that Killer Klown from Outer Space (those of you who have seen this cult horror classic know what I mean) is saying is that your kids, their teachers and school staffs are entirely expendable.
Kid got a positive test? No problem. Get out the Clorox Cleanup. Send all the kids classmates back to await their turn. Teachers and staff… ahhh we don’t give a damn. You are all paid enough to risk your lives. Besides, don’t you just love your kids, coronavirus and all?
SadTimes says
When teachers, staff or students are ready to return to work/school after testing positive to COVID-19, it should be required that they provide negative results before returning. This would put other staff, student and parents at ease. When faculty is out sick for more than five days, they need a doctors note to return. Why not during this pandemic?When everyone is kept in th dark, people tend to think the worst.
EPInurse says
Per the CDC you can test positive for 12-17 weeks after Covid-19 infection when your infectious period is only 10 days from the start of symptoms or positive test. Requiring a negative test is asinine.
Gordon says
I wouldn’t say “asinine”, instead say scientifically/medically non-informative. Less judge mental and angry.
My 2 cents says
“I know it sounds complicated, but it is not,” he said. The goal, Corcoran said, is to “keep everyone safe”
You cannot social distance in school. You can try though. Seems like we are not being “kept safe” to me, and I’d argue it’s very complicated, Mr. Corcoran.
Sheila K says
Again some of these people have forgotten what a classroom is like in a high school especially. Potentially one class of students could come in contact with the infected student and all of those students could then go to a different class, it’s potentially possible, and bring the virus along with them.
So what this says is that they are forcing you to go back to school, teachers and students, yet are not putting your safety at the forefront. That would be like having to call in or touch base and say well he didn’t shoot anybody yet, even though he is carrying a gun and only shot out windows, so let’s not take him out yet.
Districts should not be forced to all be alike because as we know different people make for different situations and circumstances. In Flagler we have the technology, it is sometimes a matter of accessing Internet which the companies should be taking care of, but the equipment is in place so Flagler district should be allowed to go virtual not brick and mortar.
Al says
I think any student or tescher or family member anmmwho tests positive should self report ot to flagler live and on social media to ensure transparency which obviously the make shift schoole system is not willing to do
Jessica says
He’s about as simple minded as Trump. He’s playing Russian roulette with kids life.
Nancy says
You are so wrong for this type of incorrect post
Disgusted in Flagler County says
It’s outrageous! Really just plain stupid to send the kids and teachers back into the classrooms PERIOD.
dennis c rathsam says
This could be the start of something BIG!!!!!
CitizenofPalmCoast says
Everyone is acting so nonchalant about a virus that is known to spread, and has killed!
What have we become?We’re the very people who are pro life yet turn around and say our rights are being violated by not wanting to wear a mask. When we actually choose to jeopardize the life of another living human being! Where parents send children to learn and their safety is being politicized! Where citizens of our town have had the virus and kept it from those they were in contact with out of fear of being chastised or giving in to the notion it actually is a real thing. Where we now look at each person who has lost their life to COVID-19, and without hesitation or even knowing the facts, pass judgment! Their must have been an underlying condition, diet/weight, ethnicity, or age was the cause of their death. No longer are we a compassionate people when threats of defunding schools become the reason we play Russian roulette with our children, teachers, staff and our citizens of our county!
Kathryn says
The school district needs to re-think opening schools for face-to-face!! They should not wait until an innocent child gets sick and possibly dies!!! Then it is way too late to change their decision!!!
Wiley X says
His response is a political one. He is using the schools as a political play. Shameful
Tracy says
Corcoran& Desantis obviously do not have what’s in the best interest of the students and staff…just look around at schools that have reopened already..you’re treating us as if we were disposable…some parents have chosen to send their children back to school, therefore I need to go back to my job in the school system to work with them. We should not be going back to brick and mortar until their is a vaccine. Kids are resilient, they will not crumble or be failed adults if they can’t go in a school building ,but they may crumble if they contact Covid and aren’t around to become adults….kids are most certainly affected by Covid and they can spread it. If I could retire this would certainly be the time to do it.unfortunately myself and many others have been put in the position to just roll the dice and hope for the best…..
WileyX says
Number one priority for school leadership is to provide a safe and secure environment. Corcoran does not know this.
The school district trying to hide this information is not in parents best interest. They see the students as $$$ if students leave because of the schools becoming a hotspot the $$$ go with them.
I wish parents could provide Flaglerlive this information and FL could keep this volunteered information in a running table but still kept names of students private. I know if my children had it I would share that information if it was in the best interests of the committee.
Shortstuff says
There was a second case at Matanza HS last week.
There was NOT a second letter sent out.
Stacey Cintron says
Governor Ron “Death” Desantis said he will cut school budgets for any school district that doesn’t not provide 5 days a week in person instruction. So our money hungry district has chosen money instead of the teachers, staff, students, and families of Flagler County.
So far 5 schools districts have chosen health over money and are only doing online classes.
It had already been put out by administration at FPCHS that they do not have the space nor teachers to provide the social distancing guidelines.
I’ll keep the teachers, staff, and students of FPCHS in my prayers!!
Let’s Get Real says
Los Angeles Unified School District, a very large district, has instituted COVID testing for all school district employees and students. If you refuse testing, you can’t enter brick and mortar. Contact tracing is also in place. Why are they doing this? Their superintendent says it’s the right thing to do to mitigate spread and keep students , employees and the community safe. Orange County teachers have sued their school district over positive COVID case transparency and won. Orange County School District must now disclose which school and district sites have positive cases as well as the number of positive cases district wide. “We don’t know,” is not an option ethically and apparently not legally. It does not assist stakeholders in making informed health decisions. It is the school district’s job to know. It’s time for school districts to step it up. It’s time to be held accountable.
Spot says
I think what we haven’t been told is that if school goes to completely virtual, many layoffs will occur. Many of us will not have jobs anymore, and in turn we will not have health insurance. I believe admin and above already know this but aren’t in a position to say it. They have to be fearful of losing their positions also, right? I don’t know what the solution is, but either choice is scary in so many ways.
Bill Kruckenberger says
The article stated time and time that people tested positive. It never once said anyone even got sick or died. Asymptomatic infection is the way to heard immunity people. We can save the old sick and weak by allowing the rest of the country that is unlikely to even get sick to get back to work and school. Otherwise, this could last forever! Watch as Europe locks down over and over again.